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Greensboro Massage Therapy and Body Work


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Greensboro North Carolina Massage Therapy Services

Our Greensboro massage therapy services, specialize in medical, therapeutic, body work to aid in pain management, stress reduction, and optimal relaxation. Located in midtown Greensboro, our massage therapy services use all-natural products. Come experience the difference.



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I am new to the massage world but have always lived with aches and pains. Even after the first massage there was an amazing difference. I now realize how much of a necessity it is.


- Anne L.

Recover & Repair • Sports Therapy Massage


Reduce the chance of injury and speed up recovery from training or events through deeper tissue massage therapy developed specifically for athletes.


I have never had some one get into my muscles like that before…I could actually feel the knot dissolving


- Tiffany F.

Medical • Therapeutic • Body Work • Relaxation


 Whether it is relaxation and stress reduction or relief from chronic pain, headaches, or muscle strain, our Greensboro massage therapy services offer a professional experience catered to your specific needs. With over 23 years of experience, Amanda’s goal is to offer you the very best, to get your body back to its own state of equilibrium.


I have been a client for 3 years and have suffered from chronic shoulder pain for much longer. Since I’ve started, not only is my pain finally manageable, but my all over “self” had been improved.  I sing their praise to all who will listen; you will not be disappointed.

- Peter B.

Prenatal & Postpartum Massage

When your body creates life, you experience unique physical and emotional changes. Throughout all stages of pregnancy and even after birth, prenatal and postpartum massage helps to reduce anxiety, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, decrease symptoms of depression, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Growing a human is hard. Massage makes it better.